Homenagem de Sociedade Científica Europeia ao Prof. Doutor João Luís Silva Carvalho
O Director do CETI, o Professor Doutor João Luís Silva Carvalho, foi homenageado pelo seu currículo e êxito na área da cirurgia minimamente invasiva, com saliência para a cirurgia da reprodução no combate à infertilidade.
A homenagem ocorreu durante o 31º Congresso da ESGE, European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, a mais importante Sociedade Europeia de cirurgia endoscópica em ginecologia, perante um auditório com 1200 pessoas.
Foi agraciado com o título de membro honorário desta sociedade. Durante a homenagem foram salientados alguns aspectos curriculares de que se destaca:
João Luis Silva Carvalho - Brief Curriculum Vitae
- João Luis Silva Carvalho, born in Porto, Portugal, 1952
- Graduated in Medicine in 1976 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
- Assistant of Gynecology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 1978
- Master at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 1990
- PhD degree in Medicine in 1996, area of Gynecology and Obstetrics, with the study: “Endometrium and ovarian functions. Morphologic and Hysteroscopic aspects”
- Associate Professor of Gynecology/Obstetrics at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto.
- Supervisor, co-Supervisor and member of jury of several Master and Phd tesys.
- National Award of Gynecology in 1990
- Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 1993
- In the early nineties introduced the Diagnostic and Surgical Endoscopy, and later was founder and the head of the Unities of Endoscopy and of Reproductive Medicine at the Department of Gynecology/Obstetrics in the Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Porto
- Member of the Committee that established the program and curriculum and created the Sub-Speciality of Reproductive Medicine in Portugal
- Received several awards and grants for investigation from scientific societys and comunications in congresses
- Member of the invertigation team of IBMC
- Winner of the Grant for Fertility Innovation in 2011 (Stockholm)
- Published several scientific articles in journals and chapters in books
- Performed dozens of scientific conferences and communications at National and International levels
- Contributed to the Portuguese legislation in ART and performed the study of characterization of infertility in Portugal – Knowledges, concepts, attitudes, needs and accessibility to IVF centers in the country
- Is/was member of Directory or Scientific Boards of Journals (“Ginecologia e Medicina da Reprodução”; “Acta Obstetrica e Ginecologica”; “Jornal Brasileiro de Reprodução Assistida”; “Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidade Y Reproduccion Humana”; “Gynecological Surgery – Endoscopy, Imaging and Allied Techniques”)
- Member of several National and International Scientific Societies and organizer of several National and International congresses, workshops and meetings
- General Secretary of the Portuguese Society for Gynecology (12 years)
- Member of ESHRE since 1991
- Member of the National Representative Advisory Committee of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embriology – ESHRE (4 years)
- President of the Portuguese Society for Reproductive Medicine (6 years)
- Member of the General Board of European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy – ESGE (4 years)
- Founder and President of the Portuguese Society for Gynecological Endoscopy (6 years)
- President of the 10th European Congress of Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE)
- Founder and Director of the Center for Education and Training in Endoscopic Surgery – CETEC (since 2013)
- President of the Portuguese College of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Portugal (8 years)
- Clinical Director of the Centre for Study and Treatment of Infertility – CETI, Porto, Portugal
- Director of the Department of Gynecology / Obstetrics of CUF Hospital, Porto, Portugal, 2010
31º Congresso da ESGE em Lisboa
O 31º Congresso anual da European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, que decorreu entre 2 e 5 de outubro no Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, pretendeu contribuir para a excelência do conhecimento em Endoscopia Ginecológica.
O programa deste encontro de quatro dias incluiu cursos pré-congresso, sessões cirúrgicas ao vivo em casos de elevada complexidade, sessões de debate e exames de certificação GESEA que atraíram os especialistas desta área.